Why Choose A Custom Built Mouthguard?
Sports and other recreational activities are important parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, it’s no secret that while participating in sports, injuries can happen. In fact, according to research, sports-related accidents are one of the most common causes of orofacial injuries. Athletes – especially those who are into contact sports – are very prone to suffering from damage to their teeth, gums, and mouth.
These types of injuries can be prevented by wearing a high-quality mouthguard.
Mouthguards are protective devices that cover your teeth and gums to prevent damage. Not only do mouthguards protect your teeth, gums and mouth, studies have also shown that wearing them for protection helps reduce the probability of having a concussion after a collision in contact sports.
There Are 3 Different Types Of Mouthguards
- Stock – These are ready-to-wear mouthguards. Among the three, these are the most affordable option. However stock mouthguards provide the least amount of protection and are also usually uncomfortable to wear.
- Boil & Bite – These mouthguards are intended to fit your teeth. The lining can be softened with boiling water after which you bite into them to take the shape of your mouth. They are not a perfect fit so although better than stock mouthguards, they can still be uncomfortable to wear.
- Custom-fitted – These are considered to provide the most protection for your teeth, gums, lips and jaw. Custom-made mouthguards are crafted by your dentist to ensure that they perfectly fit. Because of their tight fit, custom-fitted mouthguards can give you the best cushioning and shock absorption while being very comfortable to wear.