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Category: <span>Root Canal Treatment</span>

Meth Use And Its Effect On Teeth

Meth Use And Its Effects On Teeth The effects of methamphetamine on teeth is shocking. Methamphetamine is highly addictive and the health issues associated with even short term use are dreadful. Users of this drug tend to grind their teeth very hard, eat a lot of sugary foods, have very low saliva flow and poor dental [...]

Why You Should Get Root Canal Therapy Over Tooth Extraction

Why You Should Get Root Canal Therapy Over Tooth ExtractionIn the past, root canal therapy has earned a pretty bad reputation. So instead of saving what remains of their teeth, people opted to have every painful tooth extracted. This is no longer necessary.

See, the thing is, in the past, anesthesia was not as effective as it is now and dentistry, as a whole, was not as technologically advanced as it is now. Modern dentistry has seen much advancement in practice, tools, and technology.

As such, your Dentist In Brisbane go out of their way to save what can be saved of your natural teeth rather than just extracting them.

With the safest and most effective anesthetics and precision instruments known to modern dentistry, your dentist in Brisbane is committed to saving your natural teeth. Moreover, our patients report that root canal treatment at Dental On Park doesn’t feel so different from undergoing a simple filling procedures.