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Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am-5pm Tues/Thurs: 8am-8pm

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What is Dental Sedation with Happy Gas?

Happy gas temporarily sedates and relaxes you. It makes you feel like you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. It gives you tingly toes and fingers. It’s administered with a gas mask placed over your nose throughout the procedure.

When using happy gas, you lose the anxiety you feel with dental appointments. Thats a great thing – because it means you’re able to overcome the fear of the dentist and are able to return freely to future preventive care and ongoing dental treatment appointments.

The equipment we use to deliver the gas is quite simple. It consists of a supply of compressed gases and a nose piece which delivers the gases to you. Flowmeters and pressure gauges allow us to keep an eye on the flow of gases.

How long does happy gas last?

Happy Gas effects wears off immediately, however we advise no driving for 30mins after the procedure.

When making your dental appointments with Happy Gas

 please advise our receptionist so that the gas can be ready, organized and waiting for you at your dental appointment.

Why use Happy Gas?

Giving Happy gas  is a way to help reduce pain and anxiety during dental treatment. It is a safe and effective method of sedation and works quickly to relax patients. Its effects wear off quickly.

How Happy Gas will work?

  • When making an appointment with us, please mention that you would like happy gas
  • At your appointment, we will fit you with a nose piece which will deliver the  gas
  • All you have to do now is breathe normally through your nose – bingo!
  • The sedation will only take a few minutes to kick in.

Post-Operative Care

  • The sedation effect will completely wears off shortly after treatment
  • The general rule is that you cannot drive or sign legal documents for 30-60mins after the procedure
  • We will keep you in clinic with us until we have decided you are of sound mind and have safe way to travel home.