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Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am-5pm Tues/Thurs: 8am-8pm

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Interested in Dental treatment under General Anesthetic?

Nervous ? We provide dental treatment under general anesthetic for those with dental phobia or when extensive dental treatment is required. The treatment is performed in one simple appointment while you’re put to sleep. Ideal for adults who need multiple teeth extracted or filled, for children or for any person suffering dental phobia or nervous patients.

Of course the first point of call for dental phobia would include lighter forms of sedation such as happy gas. However, for some people the idea of being put to sleep provides greater reassurance.

What's the process?

You will need to come to the practice at Dental On for a consultation with our friendly dentist to discuss your treatment plan and verified your desired to be treated under general  anaesthetic.

After your consultation appointment, you’ll be given an information and admissions pack to complete so that an appointment at the hospital can be arranged for you.

Payment for General Anaesthetic is expected upfront but can be arranged via our Payment Plans. Confused? …Call us for more information.

How is General Anesthetic administered?

General anaesthetic is administered by a specialist medical anesthetist.  All our general anesthetic patients are treated at St.Andrews Hospital in Spring Hill. You need to allow a half day for the procedure. This covers the time needed for admission, treatment and recovery at the hospital. A fortnightly review will be required at our surgery.

If pain is expected after the procedure, we inject a long acting local anesthetic so that you wake up pain free. In the case of extractions we may also prescribe you antibiotics – but this will depend on the level of difficulty of the extraction.