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Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am-5pm Tues/Thurs: 8am-8pm

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What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath is caused by sulphur producing bacteria that live within the surface of the tongue and in the throat.

Bad breath and looking after your teeth

Bad Breath can be a sign of :

  • Gum disease
  • Dry mouth
  • Smoking
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Tonsiloths ( these are groves in your tonsils that allow for bacteria build up )

Commonly people with bad breath tend to suffer from tartar and plaque build around the teeth, post nasal discharge, thick saliva and sometimes a need to clear their throat, as well as a metallic taste in the mouth.

Treatment consists of treating the underlying condition causing the problem, but a good start is avoiding dehydration and good oral hygiene including brushing, flossing and routine professional cleaning. If you suffer from Tonsiloths, then this can be treated too. If you have sulfur producing bacteria then there is a particular type of mouthwash that helps combat this called ‘Closys’ and this can be purchased from our online shop.

Using mouthwashes to mask the situation is only a temporary solution.

Proper guidance can only be given by your doctor and dentist. So if you live in Brisbane and suffer from bad breath book an appointment today.

Tina Tavakol

Dental On Park is headed by Dr. Tina Tavakol- BDSc. (Dentist) (Qld.) She is a member of the Australian Dental Association, is a Certified Invisalign Practitioner, Certified Inman Aligner Practitioner and Certified MDI Mini- Implant Practitioner. She is also a visiting dentist at St. Andrews Hospital in Spring Hill. Dr. Tvavakol prides herself for providing thorough comprehensive dentistry that pays attention to detail. Thoroughness - she insists - helps patients maintain their teeth for a lifetime at minimal cost.'