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(07) 33698300

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Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am-5pm Tues/Thurs: 8am-8pm

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Whitening Kit

For some, being able to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home is the perfect solution. So we offer you a whitening kit that allows just that.

We will create neatly fitted mouthguards that are used as trays for the whitening gel to be placed in. You will be provided with the correct amount of gel along with instructions to witness the amazing change to your teeth.

The whitening trays can be worn for either 1 hour during the day or by using a lighter dosage, overnight. The gel that you will receive will depend on your preference as well as the dentists opinion as to what is needed to get your smile to look its whitest!


The whitening treatment will take 10-14 days to complete with the results gradually changing over that period of time.

Are there any side effects?

There will be short term dehydration of the teeth, which may cause teeth sensitivity. This can be relieved with Panadol if required.

Is Whitening Safe?


Yes. If we thought it wasn’t or research showed otherwise, we would not be offering this service .

How long does it last?


As it’s difficult to account for the varying consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, tobacco, etc., one consumes, the results may require the occasional touch up.

Those who choose to maintain a really bright dentition can do so by brightening once a year and purchasing the gel at their next check up.


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