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(07) 33698300

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Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am-5pm Tues/Thurs: 8am-8pm

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Snorer’s are most at risk of Sleep Apnea

The narrowing of the airways (where the flow of air through the throat becomes restricted) causes snoring. Not all snorers have sleep Apnea, and all sleep apnea sufferer’s don’t snore – however there is a high correlation. The anti-snoring and anti-sleep apnea guard is worn while you sleep, to prevent your jaw and tongue from dropping back into your throat and restricting your airway.

Three simple steps  are required to do a sleep study:

Step 1

If you suffer from sleep apnea we will review and discuss your sleep study results. If you suffer from simple snoring this won’t be necessary.

Step 2

Results get analysed and if indicated, we consult with a sleep physician to confirm the diagnosis.

Step 3

We discuss your treatment options depending on your individual circumstances and organise a guard for you.

Sleep Apnea Categories?

Sleep Apnea is categorised as mild, moderate or severe. Sleep Apnea mouth guards are best used to treat moderate sleep apnea or snoring. Severe cases are best treated with a CPAP machine and with other lifestyle factors. If you haven’t been diagnosed but suspect you may be suffering from the condition, we organise a sleep study to diagnose you before we make you the appliance.

Sleep Apnea Facts

The restriction of the flow of air reduces the amount of oxygen that is carried to your muscles. Long term, this decrease in blood oxygen levels has serious consequences to your overall health.

People who suffer from sleep apnea often wake up several times throughout the night and will feel unusually tired in the mornings and throughout the day.


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