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ZOOM Teeth Whitening

We are experts in ZOOM Teeth whitening, which is a simple procedure performed with your dentist at Park road in Milton, that can create brighter, whiter teeth and give your smile that instant lift!Over time, through your lifestyle (smoking, coffee or wine, for example) or the natural aging process, your teeth can stain.This whitening treatment sees a more instant result, with your teeth being whitened by up to 8 shades in just one hour. This is the same whitening system as seen on THE EXTREME MAKEOVER TV SHOW!



Are there any side effects?

There will be short term dehydration of the teeth, which may cause teeth sensitivity. This can be relieved with Panadol if required.

Is Whitening Safe?

Yes. If we thought it wasn’t or research showed otherwise, we would not be offering this service

How long does it last?

As it’s difficult to account for the varying consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, tobacco, etc., one consumes, the results may need the occasional touch up.

Those who choose to keep up a really bright dentition can do so by brightening once a year and purchasing the gel at their next check up.


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