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Periodontal disease

The beginning stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis, which occurs when plaque build up begins to inflame the gums causing them to redden, swell and easily bleed. Typically there is little to no discomfort during this stage. Because of this, gingivitis is generally detected during a regular dentist visit. If diagnosed and treated, gingivitis is completely reversible.

If left untreated it leads to periodontal disease, where the plaque starts to develop below the gum line. The bacteria in the plaque produce toxins, which results in further inflammation of the gums. If left untreated overtime the heightened inflammatory response will ultimately deteriorate the bones and tissue that support the affected teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Once periodontitis sets in, treatment is crucial to manage the inflammation and reduce damage.

Treatment classically involves:

  • achieving the best possible home care
  • professional cleaning of the teeth above and below the gum line (into the pockets) to remove the plaque and hard deposits (calculus / tartar), and
  • regular reviews
  • trying to remove risk factors such as smoking.

Periodontal disease causes permanent damage to the supporting tissues; the aim of treatment is to stop the progression of the disease through controlling the bacteria. This is an ongoing, lifelong activity.

For more specific information on how we treat Periodontal Disease at Dental On Park call us on 0733698300 or check out the link here.


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